• Banco Santander-Chile summons annual shareholders meeting and proposes a dividend of 60% of 2021 net income attributable to shareholders

    المصدر: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 22 مارس 2022 17:57:50   America/Chicago

    SANTIAGO, Chile, March 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Banco Santander Chile (NYSE: BSAC; SSE: Bsantander) informs that in a Board session held today, the Board of Directors agreed to summon an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, to be held remotely on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. Among other items to be submitted for approval to shareholders, the Board is proposing a dividend of Ch$2.46741747 per share, corresponding to 60% of net income attributable to shareholders. Likewise, the remaining 40% of net income attributable to shareholders will be destined to increase the Bank's reserves.

    Banco Santander Chile is the largest bank in the Chilean market in terms of loans and assets. As of December 31, 2021, the Bank had total assets of US$ 74.5 billion, loans net of provisions of US$ 41.8 billion, deposits of US$ 32.8 billion, and total equity of US$ 4.1 billion. The BIS capital ratio as of December 31, 2021 was 15.9%, with a core capital ratio of 9.6%. Banco Santander Chile is one of the companies with the highest risk classifications in Latin America with an A1 rating from Moody's, A- from Standard and Poor's, A+ from Japan Credit Rating Agency, AA- from HR Ratings, and A from KBRA.

    Robert Moreno
    Investor Relations
    Banco Santander Chile
    Bandera 140, Floor 20
    Santiago, Chile
    Tel: (562) 2320-8284
    Email: irelations@santander.cl
    Website: www.santander.cl 

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